Does The Planet Do Indie Sci-Fi Right?

It's no secret that I'm a nut for good science fiction. I like everything, but everyone has a favorite genre. For some it's film noir, others dig spaghetti westerns. I'm a sucker for spaceships and laser cannons. Sue me. At least I'm not into Damon Wayans movies or something even worse. What's worse? Sean Wayans movies I suppose.

So when I saw a blurb over on Filmstalker for an indie science fiction movie called The Planet I had to click. Usually, when you put the words "Indie" and "sci-fi" together the result is poorly executed high concepts and really really bad effects. It's the nature of the genre. It just takes too much money to make a proper sci-fi movie. It's hard to make one in your basement.

That's not The Planet. If the guys from Stirton Productions made this movie in their basement, they've got one helluva basement.

Here's their official plot description: "A mercenary spaceship ferrying a convict is attacked by a horde of unidentified fighter craft. Forced to abandon their crippled ship the survivors land on “The Planetâ€. Soon they discover that they are not alone, as they battle to survive they begin to fall prey to a malevolent force. A force which turns the souls of their fallen comrades against them. Forming a rescue plan the survivors race to carry it out while they still can."

Frankly, that doesn't do the trailer justice. The effects are first rate, the acting isn't half bad, and the story might actually be pretty damn good. Apparently it's going straight to DVD, as most micro-indies inevitably do, but this movie's getting some pretty nice buzz from all corners. Is this really as good as it looks, or is this just an incredibly good trailer? I intend to find out.

Meanwhile, watch the trailer and decide for yourself. Get it with a direct Quicktime download right here.

Josh Tyler