Edward Norton Kind Of Confirms The Avengers But Not Really

Edward Norton wasn’t all that bad in The Incredible Hulk. I mean, he wasn’t all that great either. The movie turned out to be a bowl full of mediocrity, nothing amazing, nothing terrible. Despite this, the movie was actually somewhat successful, once again, not amazingly successful but enough to warrant a sequel.

But the burning question remains whether or not The Avengers will actually get made. MTV.com sat down with Norton to talk about his possible role in the flick. "It's purely a function of time,” Norton explained. "It's always about just working things out on the schedule." He added, “I tend to keep my head in the thing I'm doing and I don't speculate or worry too much about what two or three blocks down the thing is going to be.”

So from the sound of it, Norton isn’t committing to anything, nor is he really confirming the movie at all. Like many things, it just seems to be an idea at some studio that may or may not happen sometime in the near future or somewhere down the road. I’d love to see the day when actors, directors, writers, and studio suits can talk up front about their projects and not have to make everything all hush hush. But then again, I’d also like to see world peace.