Germans Love Grizzly Man

Usually known for making movies no one sees, Werner Herzog is making another. Whether anyone will see this one is uncertain, the idea of Jane Goodall with grizzly bears is appealing, but only if the movie ends in some sort of jamboree. The movie is called Grizzly Man, and the director spawned from the place where David Hasselhoff is king is back behind the camera after gaining absolutely no note for penning last year's mocumentary Incident at Lock Ness.

Described as a "heart-wrenching take on the lives of grizzly bear activists Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguengard who became lunch in 2003 Alaska" the film promises to have lots of well… bears. Unlike his weird Loch Ness movie, Grizzly Man is not fictional, Herzog has taken actual leftover footage from the late Mr. Treadwell and assembled it into his own style of documentary. The movie won the Alfred P. Sloan award at Sundance, which ought to count for something. Sadly, since it isn't an inflammatory, manipulative political propaganda documentary it's not likely to make bank. That doesn't mean it isn't interesting, it just means Herzog isn't getting rich.

Keep an eye out for it in theaters August 5 or later this year on video. Till then we've got a first look at two posters for the really visually stunning look film as well as a bunch of bear-themed pics. I'm calling the big one Yogi. Take a look below: