Haggis Tackles Red Vs Blue

Oscar winning writer and director of 2005’s Best Picture, Paul Haggis, is lining up his next directing gig at Columbia Pictures. The film is called Against All Enemies, and no it isn’t a response to the rabid attack on his film by bitter Brokeback fans.

The Hollywood Reporter says Against All Enemies is based on the best selling memoir (which in fact does not mean it’s a work of fiction) by former U.S. terrorism Czar Richard Clarke. His book details how the Bush administration handled the Al Queda threat post-9/11, and it’s not exactly a pro-Bush take.

But the book was a best-seller and added a lot of fuel to the divisive political debate that’s still dividing people up into the color based state alignments that biased media members love to reference and re-reference as if they’ve just said something clever or substantive. It’s actually perfect material for Haggis who’s already shown the ability to tackle fiery issues with almost brutal honesty and get away with it.