Heathers 2 Talk ... Again?

Is bad boy J.D. coming back from the dead? I can’t be sure, but I’m going to guess not. It’s going to take way more than an AOL interview with Christian Slater to get me to believe there will be a Heathers sequel.

The king of straight-to-video movies is getting some attention again. Slater’s new series My Own Worst Enemy actually saw some decent ratings. Of course with success come rumors of potential work. When AOL questioned Slater about the frequently talked about, but never acted upon teen angst sequel he said he still has high hopes the train to the production hasn’t lost any steam. “I would do it in a heartbeat. I would totally love to do that character again - J.D.”

After the 2006 let down, when a number of sources reported a sequel was, in fact, happening, there is no way I’m getting my hopes up for this project to get off the ground. I don’t care whether or not Slater would be up for the task. Anyways, the Heathers seems more like playground fights after I saw Regina George get hit by a bus in Mean Girls.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.