Will Hellboy Wind Up A Trilogy?

The second Hellboy flick hasn’t come out yet, but already fans are clamouring for more. Frankly, we’ve gotten lucky to have a second picture. The first Hellboy didn’t perform well in the domestic box office, but DVD sales and overseas ticket sales helped lead the way to a second film. Can the series pull off a third film? Ron Perlman says it’s possible.

Guillermo del Toro’s dream plan was to have a Hellboy trilogy - something the actor behind Big Red thinks could happen. ”I think it’s a possibility,” Perlman told Moviehole. “I think it’s completely a function as to how Hellboy 2 does in the marketplace. And if it does quite well, then I’m pretty sure there’ll be a third one.” That’s pretty logical thinking actually, but the vote of confidence is always a good thing. Of course, it might be a while before we’d see a third chapter. After all, del Toro is about to have his hands full with another franchise with a rabid fanbase: Lord of the Rings.

What does Perlman want to see happen for his character if a third film does happen? The actor has checked any sort of ego and let the director steer the story. ”I’m completely in the hands of Guillermo; because where he takes it is going to be fine with me. He has given me a rough idea about the direction the third one will take, and I can tell you that in true trilogy fashion, it’s the closing of all of the things that have been foreboded in the first two films. It’s the Jesus moment, and it gets very, very heavy and very dark, and very cinematic.”

So there you go fanboys - go buy tickets. See Hellboy II: The Golden Army this weekend. Remember when you buy that ticket for the eighth showing in a row, you aren’t just supporting this sequel, but you’re supporting the dream of a trilogy.