Jamie Foxx Writing Laverne & Shirley For Biel And Garner

Jamie Foxx laughing in Django Unchained
(Image credit: The Weinstein Company)

UPDATE! Jamie Foxx's reps tell The Wrap that he's not writing Laverne & Shirley.

TV Guide says Garry Marshall is working on a Laverne & Shirley movie. That Hollywood might be interested in remaking Laverne & Shirley for the big screen isn’t really a surprise. What is a complete and total shock is that, apparently, Jamie Foxx is writing it.

Marshall says of Foxx’s script, “It’s a whole different modern day take on how they came up on the streets during difficult times. Laverne would be this very tough girl with a big ‘L’ tattooed on her arm. Jennifer Garner would play Laverne and Jessica Biel would play Shirley.” Shirley was always sort of the straight woman to Laverne’s comedic antics, and I suppose that’s why they’re giving the role to Garner. Of the two actresses, she has the most comedy experience. But if we’re talking tatted up tough girl, doesn’t that sound more like Jessica Biel?

Whoever they play, I like the idea of Garner and Biel stepping into these roles and of course, the only way to do it is to modernize it. But seriously, Jamie Foxx? How did that happen? In what universe does that make any sense? Why is he even interested in it? What’s he doing writing at all? Foxx isn’t known as a screenwriter, he hasn’t really written anything since his old sitcom The Jamie Foxx Show. An idea this crazy, this inexplicable, just has to work… doesn’t it?

Josh Tyler