Michael Moore Will Not Reject Jesus

Michael Moore is like a magnet for controversy and political brouhaha. Not that he’s complaining; it’s a big part of why we even know his name. Fahrenheit 911 is one of the top grossing documentaries of all time, and it’s essentially a claws-out attack on President Bush. Roger & Me and Bowling For Columbine tackled touchy subjects with vigor, too.

Here’s some brand new controversial news to guzzle up with your morning coffee. According to Yahoo Movies, Moore was asked by Magnolia Films to remove the documentary Jesus Camp, directed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, from the lineup at his Traverse City (Michigan) Film Festival. A favorite on the film festival circuit, it’s an interesting glimpse at a summer camp for born-again Christian kids.

Magnolia Films asked Moore not to screen the film, fearing that his polarizing personality would prevent conservatives from wanting to see the movie. "The reality of the world we live in today is that if Michael Moore endorses it, tens of millions will automatically reject it," says Magnolia Films President Eamonn Bowles. Did his plea fall on deaf ears? You betcha. The film will screen, as planned, on Friday and Saturday afternoons during the festival.