Are Morgan And Chan Waiting For Ziyi Zhang?

I want to take a minute to thank whoever took dancer turned actress Ziyi Zhang and decided to take a chance on her. I’d also like to thank all the directors who keep utilizing her in their movies. Among those who were awesome enough to move Zhang’s career along are Sun Wenxue, Yimou Zhang, Ang Lee, and even Brent Ratner (we'll try and keep this positive and not remark on that last one).

Now Andre Morgan and Peter Chan might get to add their names to that prestigious list of excellent people. They are finally moving the long-delayed adaptation of Waiting forward, and Zhang is in talks to star. Casting the young actress is part of a move to attract a younger generation of stars, according to Variety. At one time Chow Yun-fat was in negotiations to star, but now Morgan and Chan are looking at actors like Zhang and Takeshi Kaneshiro.

The movie would feature Zhang as a nurse (I'll try and keep this clean and refrain from making any suggestive comments about that). The story centers around a doctor in the Chinese Revolutionary Army who falls in love with her character.

This is really a second attempt at Waiting, which is an adaptation of the novel by Ha Jin. The project has sat in delay for six years, so it’s kind of nice to see it moving forward, especially if it becomes another vehicle for Ziyi Zhang.