Nick Fury Won't Be In Thor, But The Avengers Is His Star Vehicle

As Marvel assembles all its Avengers for their own movies as well as, er, The Avengers, we've been assuming that Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury would be the connective thread throughout the films. Just as he pow-wowed with Iron Man in his first film, Fury was going to meet up with Thor and Cap and, hell, maybe even Ant Man as a run-up to the full Avengers film.

Not so fast, says Jackson. He recently confirmed to IESB that he won't be part of Thor actually, and he has no idea why.

"They said I was in the trades, and I was like, "Oh, I've got a job!" And then, I called my agent and she said, "Nah, you're not in it. They misprinted." I was like, “Well shit, they need to pay me just 'cause they put my name in it."

But Jackson, who is pretty much owned by Marvel at this point thanks to the nine-movie deal he signed, isn't feeling down. He's calling The Avengers "my own starring vehicle for [Nick Fury]," which adds yet another wrinkle to all the other egos that are going to have to come together for that film. So while we won't be catching up with Jackson while marveling at Thor's thunderbolts, there's plenty more of him left to come.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend