Oscar Team Up

I'm starting to wish Charlize hadn't won that Oscar. Remember when she used to do fun movies, where she'd dress sexy and turn male admirers into a puddle of goo? Yep, those days are gone.

Variety tells us that Theron is teaming up with Whale Rider director Niki Caro for the movie Class Action. It's another one of those legal dramas, in this case a fictionalized acccounting of Jensen v. Eveleth Mines.

Theron, in a very unfun role, will play a young mother fleeing her abusive husband and ending up as one of the first women to work in a Minnesota iron mine. She and her female co-workers get sexually harrassed, they go to court, and we all long for the days when Charlize was still charming.

The bright light in all of this is that before Class Action Charlize will be playing a super-assassin in Aeon Flux, which could require the wearing of spandex.

More on the spandex issue as that develops.

Report by: Joshua Tyler

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Josh Tyler