No Time To Die Debuts Thrilling Action Footage Ahead Of The New Trailer

No Time To Die Daniel Craig surrounded by staring strangers

All of a sudden, what was supposed to be a normal week by even 2020 standards has turned into the week of Bond… James Bond. With a new poster released into the wild, and the promise of a new trailer for No Time To Die hitting the internet tomorrow, the last adventure to feature Daniel Craig’s 007 is revving up the marketing motors once again. Today is no exception, as some thrilling action footage has been condensed into an intense, quick burst, as you’ll see below:

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Did you need the image of Ana de Armas wrecking shop in an action ready dress? How about Rami Malek looking like a cool and calculating Bond villain? Well, if you wanted both of those things, plus some choice looks at Daniel Craig and Lashana Lynch getting the job done in the field, No Time To Die’s official Twitter feed has you covered with this tease at another look into this mysterious adventure. Though I must admit, if anything deserves credit for hyping up the impending arrival of No Time To Die’s potentially final trailer, it’s that horn section prominently featured in the soundtrack.

As if the James Bond theme wasn’t enough of a signal that we should be donning formal wear and heading to the theaters for the character's 25th official outing, an aggression of horns takes that time-tested tune and turns it into something very serious and urgent. It almost sounds like you can hear James himself running down a flight of stairs, pursuing the agents of evil in his sights. While this is probably something specially cooked up for No Time To Die’s next trailer, and not indicative of what composer Hans Zimmer’s score will sound like in the final film, is it too much to ask for that version of the theme to be released as a single?

In terms of the plot to No Time To Die, there’s not much new to pick apart from these quick glimpses of espionage and spectacle. However, there are some troubling moments that could be interesting clues regarding what’s going on. Images such as a ship at sea firing a volley of missiles and even James Bond standing in the middle of a crowd that’s staring at him bathed in a spotlight leave some questions lingering in the air; questions that are almost dismissed by the injections of action seen in-between.

It’s absolutely fitting that No Time To Die is teasing its new trailer in this manner, as it’s reminiscent of that moment in 2006 when Daniel Craig’s James Bond was first sold to the world in an action packed trailer for Casino Royale. Showing off the action of Craig’s newly refreshed and rebooted Bond, the 007 theme got a pretty impressive makeover then, just as it has now.

The Daniel Craig era of James Bond history ends with No Time To Die, and it’s already shaping up to be an explosive finale. With talks of a plot twist for the ages, the potential reintroduction of a classic Ian Fleming foe, and all of that beautiful Bond footage we’ve seen come out so far, it’s hard to have to wait until tomorrow for the full trailer. And yet, wait we must; which is probably why this sizzle reel was released to begin with. Well, consider me teased and ready for No Time To Die, which will see the hour of its arrival finally striking on November 20. So don't forget to check in tomorrow for the full trailer for the film, as James Bond will return to CinemaBlend.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.