The Minions Pulled Off A Hilarious Marketing Stunt Ahead Of China Open

Minions has already grossed a little over $1 billion worldwide. As if that wasn’t enough of a victory, the film is looking to make a splash in China, and is slated for release on September 13th. So, if you’re a big studio that’s been having a record breaking year, much like Universal Pictures, you’re naturally going to do what you can to put your film out there as memorably as you can. If Kevin, Stuart, and Bob frolicking on the Great Wall of China isn’t memorable, then frankly we don’t know what is.


The Hollywood Reporter tipped us off to this wacky promotional plug for this summer’s highest grossing animated hit. The trio of Minions were spotted parading about on one of the most legendary structures in the history of the world, and this has us asking some major questions. First, is Gru planning to steal the Great Wall of China in Despicable Me 3? Second, and more importantly, is the Great Wall still standing after the world’s three most mischievous Minions have paid an impromptu visit? We’d like to think so, as further photographic evidence has proven that Kevin, Stuart, and Bob found a special surprise.


With a plentiful supply of bananas, our yellow friends seem satisfied with their latest venture into the outside world. And Universal is looking at a very satisfying trip to the bank if China’s love of all things Minion holds true to history. When Despicable Me 2 was on its money making tear back in 2013, China was the second highest grossing territory to rake in the international portion of the film’s $970.8 million total. While the Chinese market only rallied a modest $52.9 million into the film’s coffers, it was still pretty impressive considering the first film wasn’t even released in the country. How’s that for brand saturation?

China is still a burgeoning international film market, and they are even helping less successful movies lift their bottom line to somewhere more desirable. Case in point is Terminator Genisys, which recently opened in the country’s cinemas to a $26.9 million debut weekend. That might not be a lot by domestic standards, but in China that’s an honestly warm showing. Not to mention the fact that while Terminator Genisys isn’t a box office bonanza, it’s done well enough that the Chinese result has helped spark new hopes that the franchise will continue. Which means that the future is looking bright for Despicable Me as well as the Minions side franchise.

Minions is currently wreaking havoc in theaters nationwide, with China experiencing the fun first hand on September 13th.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.