Dinosaurs Finally Comes To DVD!

It's a shame we don't have our DVD News section up and running yet, because if we did I'd probably post this story three or four times on it… just for good measure.

Buena Vista is finally releasing the ground-breaking, award winning, thunderously funny, completely classic television show "Dinosaurs" on DVD. If you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, then you are so not the mama. You don't even know how not the mama you are.

The show was another one of those really amazing Jim Henson projects that kicked off during the nineties. Like every other piece of flat out television art the Jim Henson company churned out back then, it was unfairly ignored by audiences and received an early cancellation as its reward for being completely awesome. Yeah, it's made using Jim Henson muppets (really big dino-sized ones), but it's not a kids show any more than "The Simpsons" is. We've all finally gotten it through our heads that animation can be for big people too, but somehow muppetry, despite Henson's best efforts before his death, was never able to make that mental leap with people.

But the fan outcry for "Dinosaurs" on DVD has finally succeeded, and all two seasons of the show will arrive in stores all at once on May 2nd in a sweet 4-disc set. It'll cost you $39.99, which isn't much when you consider that the first season of Pam Anderson's "VIP" will cost you nearly $50. Of course a lot of that extra ten bucks for "VIP" is probably spent on further enlarging Pam's breasts for the cover art, so I guess it's worth it.

Buena Vista has sent us the details ofnexactly what you can expect from the new "Dinosaurs: The Complete First and Second Seasons" release, and I've posted them below along with a lot of really GREAT pics from what you'll find on the disc. Scroll down, read, stare, and then swallow a few bags of sugar, grow a horn, and start learning how to fly. Better hurry before you're extinct.

Bonus Feature(s):

• Pre-Hysterical Times: The Making Of DINOSAURS: Get a first-ever behind-the-scenes look at how Jim Henson's Creaure Shop™ brought the dinosaurs to life.

• Creating DINOSAURS: The Sketches That Started It All -- Character designer Kirk Thatcher takes viewers through his original designs for the dinosaurs.

• Dino-Eggs: Join the adventure and excavate all the buried bonus clips!

Josh Tyler