Katic Couric Gets A Grown-Up Job

In a recent conference call with reporters the new prime time anchor of the CBS Evening News, Katie Couric finally realizes it’s “not all about me.” Despite earning millions and millions and millions of dollars during her fifteen years on 'The Today Show', Couric admitted that being a fashion plate for twenty-somethings is not high on her list of things to do at her new big girl job. While she now seems known for her quirky antics and jolly laughter, America will now get to see Katie, Mrs. Couric if you’re nasty, in a more serious light.

Set to air on September 5th, the 'CBS Evening News' will push Couric into a role she used to reserve only for the 7-8am hour time slot. When not working on the Evening News, she will also be a correspondent for '60 Minutes'. After a cool two-month break from the strenuous lifestyle of all work and no play, there are plans to debut Katie with a 9/11 special. A very strategic move as she literally transitions from day to night.

No more Veronica Corningstone here! Couric has left the cat shows for the dogs and moved on to suits, pearls, and probably a journalistic award of some kind large enough for the fireplace mantle, but small enough for an end table.