Life Support Premiering On HBO

Never one to shy from controversial or important contemporary issues of the day, HBO is launching a new show this Saturday about the plight of HIV victims as they contend with the killer virus.

Says director and writer of the series Nelson George, "It's a story about the community of people in America who are dealing with the [HIV] virus. And not dying with the virus, but living with the virus."

‘Life Support’ stars Oscar-nominated and music superstar Queen Latifah, who will play Ana Wallace, an ex-crack addict turned AIDS activist.

From the press release, "Ana Wallace channels her regret and anger over past drug addictions into working for Life Support, an HIV/AIDS outreach group. She embarks on a dangerous but necessary journey through the mean streets of Brooklyn and as she seeks to save one life and heal another, Ana learns a poignant lesson about loving and letting go."

‘Life Support’ will premier at 8PM EST on HBO this Saturday, March 10. For more info, check out HBO’s official page for the show right here. You can also check the show out on Myspace for some cool director blog videos and promo trailers.