Xbox 360 USB Support System Update Goes Live

Microsoft released a system update for the Xbox 360 today. The patch finally gives 360 owners an affordable memory solution.

Starting today, you'll be able to configure third-party USB memory devices for use with your console. Any USB device with over 1 GB of storage can be used. Up to 16 GB of 360 data can be stored on any given memory unit and two devices can be connected at a time. For those of you still too sleepy to do math, that means you can have up to 32 GB of simultaneous external storage. Though third-party storage units will work fine, SanDisk will be releasing an Xbox 360-branded flash drive soon.

The process for configuring your USB device is outlined in Microsoft's official FAQ. If that doesn't answer your questions, go yell at people on the Xbox forums.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.