Run All Night Trailer: Liam Neeson Finds New Ways To Take Down Countless Thugs

With Taken 3 kicking all sorts of box office ass at the moment, it seems as though the public hasn't had enough of Liam Neeson's particular set of skills. If you're one of those moviegoers who contributed to the Taken 3 bonanza this past weekend, then you're probably going to like this trailer for Run All Night.

In Run All Night, we see Liam Neeson's Jimmy Conlon squaring off against Ed Harris' Shawn Maguire. The two men are friends who've turned enemies after Neeson kills Harris' son to protect his own. Now it's up to Neeson and his son, played by Joel Kinnaman, to stay ahead of Harris' goons, crooked cops, and any one else that stands in the way of the duo surviving a rather perilous night in New York City.

After watching the trailer for Run All Night, it looks like the project brings an even balance of good news and bad news. We'll start with the good news: the action looks on par with some of the finest Liam Neeson action pictures we've seen in recent years. In particular, the shot of Neeson wielding a particularly acrobatic shotgun is one of the coolest shots we've seen in a long while. Not to mention, the fact that Liam Neeson and Ed Harris are facing each other is a match up we wouldn't miss even if this film was directed by the man behind Unknown and Non-Stop.

That brings us to the bad news: Run All Night is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, better known as the man behind Unknown and Non-Stop. Both films have boasted interesting trailers that eventually panned out to be rather disappointing films in the long run, especially 2011's Unknown, which pitted Liam Neeson against Aiden Quinn in a fight that could have been epic, but ended up being too short to be worth sitting through a film's worth of January Jones' acting. To save yourself the trouble, watch the video of that fight below and skip the rest of Unknown.

Still, practice makes perfect, and with this being the third collaboration between Neeson and Jaume Collet-Serra, there could be a slight chance that Run All Night could break the streak and prove those who doubt its potential wrong. At the very least, the trailer makes the movie look better than anyone could expect, and it's good to see Ed Harris continuing the slow but steady stream of work he's been building up over the past couple of years.

We'll see if Run All Night makes it to the finish line, or collapses at the halfway mark, on April 17th.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.