How Supergirl's General Zod Will Be Different From Past Versions


Viewers have seen lots of Superman baddies appear on Supergirl over the course of two seasons, but now one of the biggest is finally making his debut on the show. General Zod is coming to National City, so Kara better practice her kneeling! The iconic villain will be introduced in the Season 2 finale, with rumors circulating that he could be the main villain of Season 3. The circumstances of Zod's arrival remain a mystery but executive producer Andrew Kreisberg teased one detail that will set this Zod apart from his live action counterparts: his clothes. According to Kreisberg...

He doesn't have a lot of screen time, so I can't say our interpretation is as nuanced as either [Superman/II's] Terence Stamp or [Man of Steel's] Michael Shannon, but we did one thing to put our own stamp on it --- at least visually.

General Zod is one of Superman's greatest villains, so he has a habit of showing up a lot in various Superman media. In terms of live action, he famously made his debut in the Richard Donner Superman films played by Terence Stamp and more recently in Man of Steel played by Michael Shannon. Fans are used to seeing him, so Supergirl will at least be trying to put their own stamp on the villain. Andrew Kreisberg told TVLine that their Zod will look visually different from either the Stamp or Shannon Zod.

As Andrew Kreisberg points out to, Terence Stamp's Zod wore very spacey (for the 1970s) clothes while Shannon's wore a metallic armor-like costume. The Zod that will arrive on Supergirl (played by Mark Gibbon) will harken back even further into Zod's history with an outfit inspired by the one he wore in the sixties comics. That costume was more of a vaguely Nazi-like military uniform and at least parts of it will be seen on Supergirl. Here's a picture of it for better understanding:

General Zod old outfit

Zod is the one in the middle, in case you were worried that he was the one on the right.

General Zod won't be the only character visiting Nation City in time for the finale. Tyler Hoechlin's excellent take on Superman will be stopping by, perhaps teaming up with Kara to fight Zod. Also making her long awaited return is Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant, who has not been seen on the show since the first few episodes of Season 2. She'll be back for the final two episodes of the season.

Supergirl airs new episodes at 8 p.m. EST on the CW.

Matt Wood

Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.