Batman: Arkham Asylum Nvidia Trailer

Eidos and Warner Bros. released a new video trailer for Batman: Arkham Asylum featuring the PhysX engine on display with Nvidia support. So what makes it any different from any of the other trailers out there? Well, it features lots of stuff blasting apart, lots of stuff moving around and lots of fluttering, sheer curtains. Because we all love fluttering, sheer curtains.

Batman: Arkham Asylum is already receiving high review scores from just about every major online gaming and print publication. Heck, even here at Blend Games Batman: AA was on the high-end of praise. Well, to make the experience even better for PC gamers with support for PhysX real-time physics-based effects.

The entire video trailer is pretty much all about showing how the advanced physics will work in cohesion with Nvidia-based technology. You will see tile flying, bad guys crumpling and environments dispersing like no Batman game before it. It’s a neat little trailer reminding gamers that the most anticipated super-hero game of the year is finally available for purchase.

You can check out the trailer below. For more info on Batman: Arkham Asylum be sure to visit the Official Website.Blend Games.

Will Usher

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.