Pong Indie Developer Challenge Submissions Hit Youtube

To celebrate Atari's 40th birthday, the publisher recently kicked off a competition tasking indie developers with putting their own spin on the classic Pong formula. The competition has finally been narrowed down to the semi-finalist level, with videos for each game now available for your viewing pleasure.

To check out all of the videos for the Pong Indie Developer Challenge, just head on over to Atari's Youtube page. I've included one of my favorites below, Fong, from developer Eppy Games.

Semi-finalists submitted the builds for their games, as well as the videos now viewable on Youtube, on June 5. Finalists will be announced June 26 with up to 10 chosen to receive three-year revenue-share publishing agreements with Atari. That's pretty dang cool.

The first place winner will receive an additional cash reward of $50,000, with several more tiers of cash rewards moving down from there. Finalists will also be featured on Atari's Developer Spotlight, making them an official part of the Atari family.

If you like any of the videos you see, keep the name of the game in mind, as there's a pretty good chance you'll be able to play it sometime in the coming year. For additional information about the Indie Developer Challenge, visit the Atari website.

Ryan Winslett

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.