Crouching Prequel, Hidden Sequel

Not content to bore me with one bad movie about a floppy Jade Destiny sword and warriors dancing tippy-toed while high on helium, Ang Lee has announced a prequel to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. CTHD was of course a huge success, both in China and abroad. It’s also what brought Matt Norris and I together, as the founding members of the IHCTHD society. I think our membership currently stands at 2. Maybe 3. We're not good at keeping records, or even having meetings. We do however have t-shirts.

According to Ang (that’s fun to say, would make a good sitcom), the prequel will tell the story of younger versions of the Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh characters from the first film. No word on whether the prequel will also feature a twenty minute flashback that has nothing to do with the story of the movie. With Ang directing, we can probably assume yes.