Enchanted Director Remaking The Incredible Mr. Limpet

The Incredible Mr. Limpet is one of those thoroughly 60s movies that, like Mary Poppins and Bedknobs and Broomsticks, treats the combination of live-action and animation as the kind of revolutionary technology that no audience could see enough of. Then again, it's really just the birthplace of modern CGI, so maybe they weren't so wrong after all.

It's hard to imagine recasting anyone in a role originated by Don Knotts, but EnchantedTHR reports that the film will also blend live action and animation, a familiar task for the guy who turned Amy Adams into an animation princess. I'd love it if they stuck with the old-school animation seen at the beginning of Enchanted, but the article seems to suggest the animation will be more along the lines of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Just so long as a CGI version of Don Knotts isn't involved, I think I can deal with this.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend