Go Inside Giant Tornadoes For Free At New York's Natural History Museum

Tornado from Twisters
(Image credit: Universal / Warner Bros. / Amblin)

The theater at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City features one of the world's biggest IMAX screens, housed in a museum that's packed with plenty more natural wonders-- and tomorrow night, you can pay a visit to that theater for free. On Wednesday, March 16 at 6 p.m., filmmaker Sean Casey will be premiering his new film Tornado Alley, a 44-minute journey that takes viewers inside actual tornadoes. Casey, famous for appearing on the TV series Storm Chaser, spent eight years developing the technology to film inside the tornadoes; as they explain the movie, "Sean Casey and the Tornado Researchers of Vortex 2 risk their lives to take audiences on a thrilling quest to witness, for the first time ever, a tornado's destructive power at pointblank range."

To attend tomorrow's night's screening and witness the storm footage for yourself, you only need to RSVP to tornadoalleyamnh@gmail.com with the full names for you and your guests. They'll get back to you with a confirmation so you know you're set. If you can't make it in New York CIty or on Wednesday, there's also a screening set for Friday at 12 noon at the Liberty Science Center in New Jersey; to RSVP to that one, e-mail tornadoalleynj@gmail.com.

For more on the movie check out the trailer below; like the film, it's narrated by Twister star Bill Paxton.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend