Howard Hustles Swimming

Terrence Howard is using his newfound popularity to get work. He’s signed up to appear in two new movies, he’ll join the cast of August Rush, and he’s in negotiations to star in P.D.R. according to Variety.

P.D.R. is a sports drama based on the life of a Philadelphia inner city swim coach named Jim Ellis. In the 70’s, Ellis fought to build a swim team in the city’s toughest neighborhood, and then take his dog paddlers on to win a state splashing championship. It’s another sports movie, you know the drill. Since he’s a little old to be a student, it’s safe to assume that Terrence will play Jim.

August Rush is a slightly fantastical drama starring Robin Williams, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Keri Russell, and Freddie Highmore. All the major roles in the movie have already been cast, which likely leaves Howard with a bit role in that production.

Before he works on any of that, expect to see Terrence Howard all over this year’s Oscar telecast. He’s gotten critical acclaim for his roles in the 2005 movies Crash and Hustle & Flow, and he’s also been announced as an Academy Awards presenter.