New Judge Dredd Happening

Sure Judge Dredd was bad, but just how bad was it? Rob Schneider was the best thing about it. If that’s not damning I don’t know what is. Sly Stallone’s abortive, 90s attempt to bring the comic worlds futuristic lawgiver to the big screen should have been enough, but I suppose someone saw the third and most recent failed attempt to make Punisher a success and thought, “well heck, I can do that.”

So Judge Dredd will have new life on the big screen. Rebellion and 2000 AD have announced on their website that a new Judge Dredd has been greenlit. Other than the movies impending existence, they offer no further details. It’s not a direct-to-dvd effort though, they make it clear that you can expect to see it in cinemas.

They’re also partnering with a fairly respectable production company, DNA Films, to get it done. DNA was responsible for such movies as Sunshine and 28 Weeks Later. They’re not third-rate, direct-to-dvd producers. Of course the real question here is whether or not they can get Rob Schneider. I hear he’s pretty busy banging out racist portrayals of various ethnic stereotypes in Adam Sandler films. He’s the new Mickey Rooney.

Josh Tyler