Superman Fights Zombies!

Brandon Routh’s intended big break didn’t exactly work out as planned—despite grossing $200 million domestically, Superman Returns was written off as a failure, and not too many people were exactly dazzling by Routh’s Christopher Reeve-mimicing performance.

But Routh, being a trouper and all, isn’t giving up, and is actually daring to return to the realm of comic book adaptations. Well, at least a much, much less revered and famous comic book. Variety writes that he’ll star in Dead of Night, an adaptation of the Italian graphic novel series Dylan Dog. Kevin Munroe, who delighted some with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles retread TMNT last spring, will direct.

As a story, Dead of Night sounds closer to 30 Days of Night than Superman. Routh will play a private investigator who gets wrapped up in the world of the undead. Really, it sounds like a good fit for him. His blankness could work well as a P.I., who, as we all know from Philip Marlowe and the like, tend to be a little dead-eyed. And, of course, everyone loves their zombies, seemingly more than they love their clean-cut American icons.

Routh deserves better than what’s come to him since Superman was inexplicably damned, so here’s hoping this can offer a second chance for the Man of Steel. If nothing else, the movie will offer a chance to see Superman fighting zombies. Admit it—that’s something you’ve always wanted to see.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend