Thundercats Follow In Footsteps Of Turtles

On the heels of the other 80s franchises that were announced last week, we reported about an upcoming movie based on Thundercats. Yes, it would appear that all originality has gone out the window at the same time that all the good ideas have been snatched up. All that’s left are giant cat people fighting a mummy.

Thankfully, it appears Warner Brothers still has some of their wits about them. Cinematical reports that the studio recently confirmed in the L.A. Times that the movie will be CG animation instead of live action. That’s probably for the best. As entertaining as it might have been to see Hugh Jackman or Russell Crowe prance around in a Lion-O costume, it’s already going to be difficult for the average movie-goer to take this movie seriously. At least as an animated feature it might stand a chance.

So this means that, while the Thundercats still are a go, they aren’t following in the footsteps of Transformers or the proposed He-Man or G.I. Joe films. Instead they are pursuing the path of this year’s TMNT movie. Considering the fun romp that was, perhaps this isn’t going to be such a disaster after all.