Uwe Boll Lines Up More Loken

Till now the one really good thing about Uwe Boll's movie has been that they've been so spectacularly unsuccessful there's been virtually no chance that we'd have to endure a sequel. Or at least it seemed that way. But like any other completely talentless filmmaker Uwe is eager to jump on the franchise building bandwagon.

JoBlo reports that the big critic bully Mr. Boll is planning to film follow-ups to several of his films, once he finishes his current project, the almost certain to be spectacularly horrible videogame movie Postal.

In particular he's looking at making Alone in the Dark 2 with Christian Slater, and BloodRayne II: Deliverance starring Kristanna Loken again. It's BloodRayne II that seems to be moving ahead fastest. JoBlo claims they're planning to start shooting it as soon as January, and that the script is that of a vampire western. Cowboys and neck biting could be cool, so it's a shame that Uwe's going to ruin such a fun concept.

But there's a catch. As we've discussed on this site before, the German tax loophole Uwe has been using in order to make money off of unprofitable films has been closed. So if Uwe wants to keep making movies, he'll actually have to get people to see them. Now that he has a vested interest in making good movies, maybe there's a chance that he'll improve. Or maybe he'll just keep punching film critics in the head until they're bullied into giving him the kind of positive reviews he needs in order to turn a profit.

Josh Tyler