X-Files Wants To Believe In Love

For some reason, TV Guide is now covering movies. I guess fair is fair, after all we’re Cinema Blend and we cover TV. In the next issue of TV Guide they will be all about the new X-Files movie, and the preview they just sent our way drops some interesting tidbits about what’s up with Mulder and Scully’s reunion.

Talking about the film, David Duchovny hints that things may get hot and heavy. He says, “There’s definitely some skin in this movie.” Whether that means he’ll get the ass ripped out of his jeans in a fight, or that he’ll convince Scully to do the bra trick is anyone’s guess. He does say that it’s not part of an autopsy, confirming that “not all of it is being flayed or ripped apart. There’s some Gillian skin, and some of mine.” Will they be bare ass together? Will their skin touch? Oh how the suspense is killing me.

The X-Files: I Want To Believe team remains otherwise tight-lipped though. The closest they get to giving us hints happens when Producer Frank Spotnitz refers to the movie as a romance, saying: “The emotional story of Mulder and Scully is really the heart of the movie… It’s about their love story.” Sounds like all this aliens and werewolves stuff is just one big excuse for a lip lock. Well that’s alright. As long the story gives us fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, and miracles I suppose we can put up with a little true love.

Josh Tyler