news:blended 6.21 - 6.27

Too lazy to read all the wonderful news our insightful crew scours the globe to bring you every day? Too outmoded to have an MP3 player for the podcast? Shame on you all! However, being the generous lot we are, welcome to news:blended, your weekly guide to the most interesting stories reported on Cinema Blend over the last seven days.

Wall-E is out this week and we spent most of the week talking about…The Dark Knight. We did throw a few Wall-E bones out there too. Of course, we pimped that soon to be POS Transformers 2 as well. Two out of three ain’t bad. Unless you are a heart surgeon, then the bodies start to stack up.


At least the tights won’t be something new.

You too can have a dead man hanging on your wall.

Saturday was a typical slow news day. Maybe I should just start pretending Saturday doesn’t exist. Will that throw off leap year? There was a new The Dark Knight poster out featuring the Joker and also Batman himself, Christian Bale, might play Robin Hood. Later in the week, we heard some other guy was going to play Robin Hood, so who knows. It’s not like Bale is going to starve, so I’m not too worried.


Marginally popular movie will get fourth installment.

That was pointless.

Some of you may have heard of this Spider-Man movie. There have already been three and they each made about $12 (times a billion.) Since movie studios like movies that make billions, they are going to do another one in 2011. Even if it is just an empty suit hanging in closet for two hours. That movie would probably be more entertaining than Dragonball movie that is currently filming. We got some behind the scenes video from a cell phone and as a commenter noted, “that was pointless.” Was it ever.


A most un-excellent adventure.

It worked so well for the writers.

George Carlin died. He wasn’t exactly a movie star. In fact, he really wasn’t much of an actor at all. He was a great comedian, though. It’s sad to see him go. Although not as sad, there is still a chance actors might strike and shut down Hollywood, again. This would be one of those things that is….what’s the word….stupid. It would be stupid to the fourteenth power, times two even.


Nothing says non-nerdy than a big list of robots.

We get all international on your asses.

In honor of Wall-E we listed the top 10 robot buddies in the movies. I’m not sure what it means that I write for a movie site and couldn’t name one prior to looking at the list. I guess I should keep that crap to myself. In addition to making lists, we are covering international film festivals, like the one in Edinburgh. That’s right, we flew someone over to Scotland, just to cover their film festival. Or maybe he lives there, the point is, we got a man on the scene.


Stop the insanity!

More faster and twice as furiousness.

Josh is getting sick of all The Dark Knight stories and editorialized against it. A check of movie websites (including ours) the next day showed that his impact was exactly zero. Hopefully as more people read that story, his impact will increase by two or three times. It is also hopeful that The Fast and the Furious 4 will be good in the movie sense and not just be good in the masturbatory fodder for teen car geeks sense.


A face to put with the voice.

Bourne in the….Latin America?

The Weekly Blend Audio podcast went out on a limb and put out a video podcast. That means you can actually see Rafe and not just hear him. That’s….uh……good, right? Rafe didn’t discuss the fact that the producer of the Jason Bourne movie says that Jason will follow Donald Duck and the Three Caballeros down to Latin America for the next movie. Also, that they won’t base it on a Robert Ludlum book. Since the only thing they used from the previous books was the titles, I’m not sure that will be a big deal.


Wall-E director talks about his movie, Wall-E

Story problems may save us from Cloverfield sequel.

I just saw Wall-E today and it was pretty good. Make sure you are familiar with Hello, Dolly before you go. No, seriously. Director Andrew Stanton talked to us about Hello, Dolly, environmentalism, and a movie with no talking aimed at kids. Director Matt Reeves did not talk to us, but he did talk to someone about how there isn’t a Cloverfield sequel in the works….yet. Here’s my idea: a group of friends records a monster attack on one of those recordable greeting cards. Then they all die. The end.

That’s all for another week of news blending. It’s like what you get at Jamba Juice, but cheaper and not quite as healthy. If you liked it or didn’t, leave some feedback.