Guardians Of The Galaxy As Told By Emojis Is Adorable And Clever

The Emoji Guardians of the Galaxy

While Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was released a few weeks ago, the fandom and MCU community hasn't stopped dissecting and discussing every frame of James Gunn's triumphant sequel. And if there's one thing that could make the fans really lose their mind, it's the possibility of Guardians Emojis. Disney seems to understand this, and has recently animated the events of the first film with Emojis. So move back Baby Groot, because the rest of the group is about to compete with your adorableness. Check out Guardians of the Galaxy, as told by Emojis, below.

Guardians of the Galaxy As Told By Emoji | Disney | Marvel - YouTube Guardians of the Galaxy As Told By Emoji | Disney | Marvel - YouTube
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If that doesn't bring a smile to your face, then you're cold and dead inside. Because while the Guardians are delightful in live action, there's something extra special about seeing the motley crew in Emoji form. So thanks, Disney.

The fantastic animated video starts out at the very top of Guardians of the Galaxy. In the opening moments, we see Chris Pratt's Emoji sized Star-Lord one one of his scavenging missions, where he's unknowingly searching for an Infinity Stone. And because the Guardians franchise would be nothing without its fantastic soundtrack(s), we're treated to brief clips of Awesome Mix Vol. 1 throughout the video's runtime. And in the world of your smartphone, this is done by utilizing iMessage's voice message function; every time Star-Lord pumps the jams, we see a voice message pop up.

While we've seen movies told by Emojis before, the Guardians of the Galaxy version may be the most successful. Because just about every plot line and character was recreated in Emoji form, including Benicio del Toro's Collector and John C. Reilly's Rhomann Dey, who were both noticeably missing in Guardians 2.

Perhaps my favorite aspect of the Guardians Emoiji video is how the characters emulated classic Emojis in the context of the film's plot. For instance, when Groot and Rocket Raccoon attempt to kidnap Star-Lord for the prince on his head, they briefly switch into the money eyes Emoji. Both their eyes and tongue turn green, signaling their intention to the audience without the use of dialogue. We also see the use of the "see no evil" monkey Emoji while Baby Groot is messing with Drax during the clip's final moments.

And yes, the animators behind the new video even though to Emoji-ize Guardians of the Galaxy's post-credits scene. The now infamous scene with Groot faking out Drax is one of the most iconic scenes in the first film, resulting in audiences instantly falling in love with Baby Groot.

The Emoji Guardians of the Galaxy

These types of video shorts are sure to be beloved by MCU fans, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're produced by Disney for future installments of the shared universe. After all, who doesn't love to see their favorite badass heroes reduced to adorable faced with limbs? No one.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is currently in theaters; be sure to check out our full 2017 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Corey Chichizola
Movies Editor

Corey was born and raised in New Jersey. Graduated with degrees theater and literature from Ramapo College of New Jersey. After working in administrative theater for a year in New York, he started as the Weekend Editor at CinemaBlend. He's since been able to work himself up to reviews, phoners, and press junkets-- and is now able to appear on camera with some of his favorite actors... just not as he would have predicted as a kid. He's particularly proud of covering horror franchises like Scream and Halloween, as well as movie musicals like West Side Story. Favorite interviews include Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, Jamie Lee Curtis, and more.