What Marvel's Chris Pratt Thought Of Black Panther

Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Whenever a big movie hits theaters, it's always fun to see what those in the industry thought of it. As movie fans, it's welcome seeing that stars can geek out as much over something as the rest of us. But Black Panther is proving to be more than just a big movie; it is becoming something of a cultural moment, and as such everyone is getting caught up in the excitement. One of those people is another member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Chris Pratt. The actor who plays Star-Lord was as thrilled with Black Panther as moviegoers were, and he took to social media to share his thoughts.

Praise doesn't get much more glowing than that. Chris Pratt actually hits on most of the things people love about Black Panther in his Twitter post. The man behind Peter Quill in the Guardians of the Galaxy films notes how this thought-provoking film stays with you after you have left the theater, and it's hard to argue with that. Black Panther is Marvel's most political film to date and imparts a powerful message while still fulfilling its role as a visually spectacular and surprisingly funny blockbuster. Pratt compares Ryan Coogler's film to a James Bond movie mixed with a Shakespearean tragedy. Funny enough, this is a similar assessment in our own review of the movie, which called the film part Bond and part The Lion King (The Lion King is Hamlet, folks). These elements are part of what makes Black Panther a fun blockbuster with a timeless story at its core. Noting that the hype is real is something that we don't always get to say. Often with these blockbusters, we set impossible expectations after months or years of speculation and anticipation, so when a movie actually lives up to the hype, it is cause for celebration.

Chris Pratt is hardly the only actor who has been floored by Black Panther. The film also blew away fellow member of the MCU and possible future co-star, Brie Larson. The actress, who joins the Marvel universe as Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel, seemed to believe the film was truly important, and she even helped fans connect with others who could not afford tickets to help them see it. The love for Black Panther isn't just the province of MCU actors though. Fans have flooded the theaters to see one of Marvel's best movies to date, contributing to a record-breaking and surprisingly massive box office debut.

Chris Pratt has a huge blockbuster year lined up in 2018, both in and out of the MCU. Pratt's Peter Quill joins up with Black Panther, Thor and the Avengers to take on Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, in theaters on May 4. Then, the character of Owen Grady returns to Isla Nublar to save dinosaurs from extinction in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, in theaters on June 22.

Nick Evans

Nick grew up in Maryland has degrees in Film Studies and Communications. His life goal is to walk the earth, meet people and get into adventures. He’s also still looking for The Adventures of Pete and Pete season 3 on DVD if anyone has a lead.