Bryce Dallas Howard Kicks Off Filming New Movie With Orlando Bloom And Sean Bean, And The First Comment Is Classic (And Game Of Thrones Related)

Bryce Dallas Howard in Argylle, Sean Bean in Game of Thrones, and Orlando Bloom in Gran Turismo, pictured side by side.
(Image credit: Marv Films / HBO / Sony Pictures Entertainment)

Bryce Dallas Howard knows how to keep a secret, whether it’s the plans for a supercharged new dinosaur, or the secret identity of a master spy. The latter mystery saw her help bring Argylle to the 2024 movie schedule, and Ms. Howard is already returning to the world of making it all up thanks to her role in a new film with Orlando Bloom and Sean Bean. And this announcement has already lead to a predictable, technically Game of Thrones related, comment/question.  

Howard is reuniting with her Jurassic World Dominion director Colin Trevorrow for this project, as he’s one of the co-writers behind this Prime Video UK original. Here’s how Bryce celebrated kicking off production on the film, which is currently going by the title Deep Cover:

As one of the two leads alongside Orlando Bloom, there’s already a lot to look forward to with this project. Though I have a feeling we might see a title change in the future, as some might think we’re talking about a reboot of one of the best Laurence Fishburne performances ever committed to the screen. 

Rather this Deep Cover is a comedy where an improv group has been drafted to help the police run “low level sting operations.” But as further reporting from Deadline indicates, the more this band of performers says yes, the deeper they find themselves diving into danger.

Some aren’t so convinced that this is an open and shut case where Bryce Dallas Howard, or any of her Deep Cover co-stars, are guaranteed safety. That much applies to Sean Bean, as fans of Game of Thrones or almost any other project he’s been involved in know that he tends to die…a lot. Which makes the following fan comment on Ms. Howard’s post both funny and concerning: 

Is Sean Bean’s character going to survive?

When we’re able to write a feature ranking Sean Bean’s best death scenes, that’s a sign that this sort of questioning is to be expected. The death of the honorable Eddard Stark in Game of Thrones’ first season was merely the kill that snapped it all into place for pop culture. So it feels rather valid for someone to question just how safe Sean Bean is in Deep Cover

The bright side to that sort of thinking is that the film’s writers may have already thought about this. Which means that this comedy involving an improv group has room for many death scenes to be improvised, whether it’s Sean Bean, Bryce Dallas Howard, or Orlando Bloom suffering those slings and arrows. In which case, Bean would be able to coach his co-stars in the art of a proper death, seeing as he’s had quite a bit of experience.

Deep Cover doesn’t look to have a release date set at the moment, but the Prime Video UK production is presumed to be headed for a streaming exclusive debut. So all of you Prime Video subscription holders around the world will eventually be able to stream it for yourselves; we just don’t know when. In the meantime, you can catch Bryce Dallas Howard facing danger in Argylle, a former streaming exclusive that made the jump into its current theatrical release.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.