Wait, Is Big Brother All-Stars' Nicole Franzel Going To Betray Cody Calafiore?

Nicole Franzel Big Brother All-Stars CBS

Warning! The following contains spoilers from the Big Brother All-Stars episode that aired Wednesday, October 14. Read at your own risk!

We're reaching the end stage of Big Brother All-Stars, and to this point, fans have expressed disappointment in how predictable this ride has been. Rumors sprung up ahead of the show about a pre-game alliance between Nicole Franzel and Cody Calafiore orchestrated by a mutual friend and winner Derrick Levasseur, and regardless of whether or not that happened, the duo has more or less controlled the game through their calculated choices for alliances.

The alleged goal of this partnership was to get both of them to the Final 2, and for actor Cody Calafiore to get his first Big Brother win with All-Stars. At least that's what Nicole Franzel has been saying. Now on the latest episode of the series, Nicole talked out her plans with nominee Christmas Abbott about the final stages of the game. As viewers learned, Nicole wanted Memphis Garrett out of the house and was hoping that in keeping Christmas she would help get Cody out of the house.

It's a stunning game move, especially considering Cody Calafiore has basically kept a target off of Nicole up until the Triple Eviction with very little in return on her end. Back then, it was truly believable she was the lamb ready to be sacrificed in a Final 2 against him. At the time of writing, she now has an HOH and veto win, which puts her on equal ground with all Enzo Palumbo has accomplished in the game. She's also one veto win away from tying Christmas Abbott's accolades, though it should be noted that Christmas also won the Safety Suite in Week 2.

Nicole Franzel can't do anything about that, but if she gets another veto win, the only person she wouldn't be able to top competitively is Cody Calafiore. It only makes sense she'd vote him out at that point, because all of the sudden, Nicole has a shot at actually becoming the first two-time winner of Big Brother All-Stars. Granted, it comes at the cost of betraying her greatest ally in the game to this point, but would Nicole catch a lot of heat for burning Cody?

Truthfully, I'm not so sure. Cody has already burned a few people on their way out of the house, and if Nicole had a clear role in betraying her ally, I don't think any Big Brother All-Stars jury member would discredit the betrayal's value as a late-game play. If Nicole can potentially accomplish as much as Enzo Palumbo and Christmas Abbott have in a couple of weeks, can she really be discounted with Cody out of the house?

There's certainly a move to be made, but let's be honest, other houseguests may get wise to Nicole Franzel before she has a chance to strike. She's going to struggle a lot if there are any physical competitions left to play, and if it did come down to a Final 3 between her, Christmas, and Enzo, no way either of those two is going to take the former winner if she even has a chance against them.

Big Brother All-Stars airs on CBS Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. ET. Continue to stick with CinemaBlend for more on the season, and for the latest news in television and movies.

Mick Joest
Content Producer

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.