Big Brother 17 Watch: Twins Officially Revealed, And Who Will Get Kathy Griffin's Last Laugh?

So much Big Brother, so little time in the live episode to actually cover it all. Spoilers ahead from tonight's episode of Big Brother, including which houseguest was evicted, which houseguest is the big Twin Twist, and which two contestants won Head of Household!

Before we get to the eviction and Heads of Household competition, let's talk about the twins...


Twin Twist

Liz is the twin! Is anyone really all that surprised? This has been floating around since the Twin Twist was announced, so feeders have been keeping an eye out for Liz and Julia's switcheroos. I have to admit, the ladies have done a fine job of avoiding suspicion. I think someone noticed Liz (or Julia's) dark roots seem longer than they do in her Memory Wall photo, but I haven't seen any major suspicion thrown her way just yet.

Also, major points to Julia for slipping into the Big Brother house undetected, especially when she walked into that bedroom and faced a roomful of people she'd never seen, nor met before and played it off like she knew them and everything was tots normal. She was a little bit awkward, but all things considered, she pulled it off well. I like to imagine twins are always pulling tricks like this, but that's probably due to reading too many Sweet Valley High books.

It was great to see both twins side-by-side voting in the diary room tonight, and just as cool to see one of them enter the DR and the other emerge.


Jace Evicted

I can't remember a season when the live feeds were this entertaining and this completely game-on -- to use Da'Vonne's amazing words -- so early on. Unfortunately, the live episode barely had time to scratch the surface of what really went on in the Big Brother house, but what it did reveal seemed accurate enough. Jace was the replacement nominee. Jackie spent well over a week on the block and managed to lay low the whole time. Jace called Audrey out and tried to rally some votes. He failed and was evicted tonight, almost unanimously.

The episode showed Jace calling Audrey out, and Wednesday's ep showed a sampling of Audrey running around the house, but those who've been watching the feeds know Audrey's been scheming hard since the feeds came on, and unsurprisingly, it caught up with her. Tonight's episode didn't show the confrontation Da'Vonne had with Audrey, which involved Vanessa at one point and Audrey's own mega-alliance at another. We didn't see Audrey go from being inside to outside every circle within the house. Nor did we see the weird conversation between Jace and Steve, or a lot of other big moments between the Veto ceremony and tonight's live show.

Regardless, all of that led to tonight's unsurprising eviction. It is a bit surprising that Audrey threw Jace a vote. It's possible she hoped the tides would turn in Jace's favor and she wanted to be on the right side of that. If Jace had stayed, she could have either worked with him, or at the very least, hidden behind him, since he's as big or a bigger target than she is at this point. It's also just as likely that Audrey voted for Jace to throw a random vote into the mix to force the Houseguests to wonder. Maybe she wants to blame someone for that vote. But given that she's lost a lot of trust in the house, it's just as possible people will know she was the lone vote for Jace.

We'll have to wait and see how that plays out.

The twist was revealed to Jace after he was evicted, which may be confirmation that he has no chance of coming back into the house. It's possible they'll sequester him along with the next four evictees, with a plan to send someone back in after the twin twist completes (assuming it does). It's also possible they'd do that just in case Liz is evicted before Julia can enter the house as herself. But Julie also revealed to Jace that Audrey was the vote to keep him. It's unusual to give up diary room information to houseguests unless they're out of the game, so I'm betting Jace is going home.


Head of Household

Shelli and Becky won Heads of Household. Shelli was somewhat involved in the mega-alliance leading up to tonight's eviction, but not so much that I'd assume she'll absolutely work with them this week if she holds Head of Household. Meanwhile, Becky seems like much more of a wildcard, so it's going to be very interesting to see what she does. It's possible both women will agree that Audrey is the target, and then look for pawns to nominate.

Kathy Griffin returned to Big Brother tonight, without the Zingbot this time around (too soon in the game for that), and introduced the new Big Brother Takeover. Her big twist of the week will involve her calling the houseguests throughout the week. Whichever houseguest gets the seventh call will win the "Last Laugh" twist, which will allow them to cancel three votes... or pick three people who won't get to vote?

I'm curious to see how this will work, especially if the houseguests learn about the twist before the winner has to use it. Will people have the opportunity to campaign to keep (or offer to give up) their vote? Or will they find out after they've voted that their vote didn't count. And will it even matter if, like tonight, the whole house is targeting one player? This twist could fall flat, but it could also really stir things up, mostly depending on who wins it, and who's on the block.

And then there were fifteen. Or sixteen, if you count Julia. Who will be nominated and who will win Battle of the Block? We'll find out Sunday night... or much sooner, if you have the live feeds.

In other news, it looks like there were a number of former houseguests (including Jeff, Jordan and Frankie) at tonight's taping. Check out Julie's photos with them after the jump...

Kelly West
Assistant Managing Editor

Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.