A Golden Globe Winner Doesn't Need Extras

It’s one thing to say a movie is making the transition from the big screen to DVD. It’s another to say a Golden Globe winning film is making that move. With a Golden Globe statue for Best Picture – Comedy under its belt, Vicky Cristina Barcelona’s debut on DVD January 27th will surely create some hype.

Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Cristina (Scarlett Johansson) are two friends spending a summer in Barcelona. While Vicky is fairy conservative and is working hard for a masters in Catalan identity, Cristina is a free spirit who hasn’t really figured out what direction to take in life. After meeting the tall dark and handsome artist Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), the girls are persuaded to join him on a trip to Oviedo. After the trip the three are immersed in a complicated love triangle. To make matters even more complicated, Vicky and Cristina find out Juan still has feelings for his ex-wife, Maria Elena (Penelope Cruz), bringing a fourth player into the predicament. Through these complicated connections, Vicky and Cristina both discover something about themselves and their takes on love.

Being that Woody Allen prefers his films to stand alone, this disc will not come with any bonus material. While the lack of extras is a disappointment, Vicky Cristina Barcelona is still worth the $28.98 on DVD or $34.99 on Blu-ray. If you’d like to brush up on your potential award winners before the Oscars arrive, this film is a must have.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.