Houston, We Have The Buddies

There was Bolt, Marley, and now here come the Buddies. Actually, Rosebud, Buddah, Budderball, B-Dawg and Mudbud came first. These Golden Retriever puppies are starring in their third film from Disney’s Air Buddies series. Join this team of canine cosmonauts in Space Buddies as they blast off into space and onto DVD and Blu-ray February 3rd.

Jumping aboard a space shuttle seems like a great idea, but once in space, all the Buddies want is to go home. With the help of their two new friends, Spudnick the pit bull and Gravity the ferret, they must figure out a way to get back to earth.

Everyone loves a movie about dogs. Space Buddies could be a great bet for a parent who is hoping to pick up a film for the kids that they might be able to enjoy as well. There’s got to be something good about this film. The original film, Air Bud, grew into a series consisting of six films and led to the creation of the three Air Buddies films. Disney must be expecting this latest installment to be a success because a fourth film, Santa Buddies, is currently in production and scheduled for release in 2010.

What could be more fun than watching a cute puppy in a movie? Watching bloopers of that cute puppy making the movie, of course! The DVD bonus material includes “Buddy Bloopers,” “Buddy Facts” which lets you watch the film with pop up facts about space and the making of the movie, “DisneyPedia: The Buddies Guide To Space Travel” and the “Dancing in the Moonlight” music video. I didn’t know Alyson Stoner could sing, but if she sings as well as she dances the video must be great. In case you don’t remember, she was that awesome little girl dancing in the Missy Elliot “Work It” video. If you buy the Blu-ray version of the film you’ll get all of the material from the DVD edition as well as a scavenger hunt game and access to the Disney BD-Live Network.

If you want to get your children something other than chocolate for Valentine’s Day, you can pick up Space Buddies on DVD for $29.99 or on Blu-ray for $34.99. They’ll be grateful, but you’ll probably still have to buy them the chocolate anyway.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.