Video Clips: Prince Caspian Movie And Extras

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian hit DVD and Blu-ray today and with it brings plenty of bonus material for your enjoyment. Our own Ed Perkis says that no fan of the series will be disappointed by the release and even causal fans will find something to like (read his review).

For those who might be undecided about picking up Caspian, here’s a sampling of the DVD’s contents, with three film clips, five clips from the bonus material, and the movie’s trailer. If you aren’t picking up the movie in hopes of finding it under your Christmas tree, let these tide you over until the holiday arrives.

Meeting the Mouse

Magical Forrest

Fighting the River

On set with Warwick (Bonus Material)

Character Representations (Bonus Material)

Susan’s Fight (Bonus Material)

Technical Advances (Bonus Material)

Logistics of a Sword Fight (Bonus Material)
