You Aren't Imaging Things; Donnie Darko Is Really Coming To Blu-Ray

Remember that cute bunny rabbit from Donnie Darko? Okay, maybe he wasn’t so cute, but regardless, he’s coming to Blu-ray. On February 10th Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will bring Donnie Darko to Blu-ray.

In this psychological thriller a disturbed teenager, Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal), narrowly escapes death when a jet engine happens to crash into his bedroom. What makes this occurrence even more unusual is that the only reason Donnie isn’t sound asleep in bed that evening is because Frank, a demonic bunny, leads him outside. Donnie’s visions of Frank continue during which, Frank instructs Donnie to commit more and more acts of violence as doomsday approaches.

The BD-specific special feature list is rather disappointing. The only item that is not some sort of commentary is the D-Box feature, but if you want access to this element you’ll have to invest in a D-Box motion controller. The controller initiates movements via your D-Box seating giving you the feeling that you’re inside the movie. This would be great if we all had the spare change to spend on the system. Looking on the bright side; the Blu-ray disc is accompanied by a standard definition disc which has a production diary, “They Made Me Do It Too – The Cult of Donnie Darko”, a storyboard to screen featurette, “#1 Fan: A Darkomentary” and the director’s cut theatrical trailer.

Simply put, Donnie Darko is worth the $34.99. It’s one of those films you can watch over and over and always discover a little sliver of information you missed the last time. The bizarre story and big name cast, including Drew Barrymore, Maggie Gylenhaal and Patrick Swayze, makes for the perfect cult classic.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.