Captain America Gameplay Screenshots Released

Sega didn't just announce that a brand new Captain America game was on the way, they also managed to let loose a few screenshots of the actual gameplay for the upcoming movie tie-in. Despite the fact that this is a movie-based game, instantaneously there is a feeling of dread that accompanies whatever news surrounds the game.

Much like every other superhero movie tie-in game, there isn’t a lot of hope that this game could work. Still, Sega has proved that some of their recent games are still as good as classics like Panzer Dragoon Orta or the original Sonic Adventure…titles such as Vanquish and Valkyria Chronicles.

Nevertheless, at this moment it’s just a matter of admiring the visuals for Captain America: Super Soldier and hoping that further down the line the game trailers are as solid as the screenshots. For more info feel free to visit the Official Website

Will Usher

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.