After 17 Years Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet And The Original Cast Of The Holiday Are Reportedly Coming Back For A Sequel

Update: Apparently the rumors are not true, as both Nancy Meyers and Kate Winslet have been reported by People as debunking The Holiday 2's existence. The story below ran after initial reports had looked promising, but were still unconfirmed. While what you're about to read has been debunked, that doesn't mean fans should stop pushing for it to happen if they truly believe. 

Arguably one of the best romantic comedies to watch at Christmas, writer/director Nancy Meyers’ The Holiday is something that can even melt down the most cynical audience member. As Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz wind through a heartfelt journey of discovery and yuletide glee, it’s hard not to want new movie releases at this time of year to live up to that same promise. 

Well, if a new report is correct, Diaz, Winslet, and the rest of The Holiday’s original cast are going to provide just that in a brand new sequel. Reportedly, The Sun has gotten word from an unnamed source that The Holiday 2 will be filming next year. Naturally, while we're going to speculate even further, it's best to keep a healthy amount of skeptical salt on hand as we move forward. 

Though the cast’s status is vaguely worded as “the main talent are all signed up,” that leads us to assume that Jack Black and Jude Law would also be coming back to the table. It’s far from an official announcement, but this rumor is so enticing, we’re ready to go wine shopping to celebrate! 

Apparently The Holiday’s popularity in seasonal cinema has spurred the decision to greenlight the return to the lives of Kate Winslet’s Iris and Cameron Diaz’s Amanda. There’s certainly room for more holiday-fueled romance and comedy, even if the end to the 2006 original is so joyful that you kind of want to leave things where they lie. Finales like that shouldn’t be so easily disturbed, though there are further details on where this next trip could be going. 

Further details from the source cited above indicate that the UK and Europe will be the supposed setting for The Holiday 2. That almost makes it sound like this new chapter could see our beloved characters road tripping through various countries during the most wonderful time of year. It’s a potential concept that’s escapism at its finest, and could pose some comedy challenges that rival the time Cameron Diaz ran in heels for The Holiday

We’re in a world now where Christmas Rom-Coms are no longer cute genre outliers. That playing field has blossomed into a huge imprint on the pop culture landscape, especially in the world of streaming movies like Lindsay Lohan's Falling for Christmas, which has inspired many thoughts in the minds of our staff and rom-com fans alike.

Seeing as Cameron Diaz is already out of retirement, it looks like that may have been the final obstacle for The Holiday sequel to clear. Maybe we'll see this modern classic come back to play, potentially showing up all the youngsters on the block that want to steal its crown. But for now, it's all just rumors and tinsel.

The Holiday 2, or whatever this project may be titled, is still a bit of an unknown/unconfirmed quantity. Though you Kate Winslet fans will be able to see the actor return to the big screen real soon, thanks to her major role in Avatar: The Way of Water. James Cameron’s long awaited, and very much confirmed, sequel opens in theaters on December 16th. 

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.