AVP-R Turns Japanese

Welcome back from your food induced coma. It’s Monday, you’ve barely made it into work after a four-day weekend, and you’re already slacking off by surfing this website instead of doing your job. Wise move, since it’s enabling you to see this wicked cool new poster for AVP-R.

This little beauty is a Japanese poster for the still stupidly named Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. While the American posters haven’t exactly been bad, you’ve gotta admit, this one has so much more awesome. There are always two things you can count on the Japanese to get right. The first is schoolgirls. The second is monsters, particularly monsters with tentacles. We won’t talk about what happens when tentacled monsters get combined with schoolgirls, because there’s nothing right about that.

Check out the poster below, to see it in high-res click here.

Josh Tyler