Aged Instinct

Charlotte Rampling (Note: Not the hot topless psycho in Swimming Pool, she’s the other one) and David Thewlis (who hates talking dragons) have signed up to play a game of world domination with Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addition. Yes it is a sequel to the 1992 crotch-revealing thriller and yes Sharon Stone is well… very very old.

Perhaps that explains the hiring of Charlotte Rampling, who is even older still and may by her presence fool the audience into thinking Sharon Stone is younger. She’s been hired to play a colleague of Michael Douglas’ David Morrissey character. Perhaps a better word than colleague is “replacement” since Douglas isn’t touching this movie with a ten foot pole. Whatever the case, this is rapidly shaping up to be an icky, erotic version of “The Golden Girls”. We’re lucky they can’t get Estelle Getty. Scary thought: Bea Arthur is available. She may not be very mobile, but she’s available.