Beast In Magneto's Spinoff Prequel?

Though the X-Men franchise is for all intents and purposes dead, it’ll live on in a series of spin-offs. One of those is a prequel about the character of Magneto, which is currently in production, and the Latino Review has exciting news about just who may show up in it alongside the Master of Magnetism.

While touring an effects shop working on Hellboy 2, they spotted a picture of a younger version of the character Beast, last seen played by Kelsey Grammer in X-Men 3. When they asked what it was, they were told it’s a picture of Beast as he’ll be seen in the Magneto prequel.

Whether it’s just a cameo or some major part in the film is unknown. Magneto takes place pretty far in the past, and it is a younger version of the Beast character that they saw, so whether it’s a big role or a small one it seems highly unlikely Beast aka Hank McCoy will be played by Kelsey Grammer again. Still, it’s exciting to know that even though they’re dead as the team, the X-Men will live on in some form in other films.

Josh Tyler