Enchanted 2 Happening?

I still haven’t seen Enchanted. I know, it’s almost inexcusable at this point, especially since the DVD has been sitting on top of my entertainment center for at least a month, but I’m saving it. It seems like the perfect movie to watch with you family, gather around the parents and grandparents, order pizza, and watch a rehash of every Disney classic ever. So I’m saving it for the next Tyler family get together, I figure it’s more grandma’s speed than Viggo’s naked fighting in Eastern Promises, the other movie atop my TV vying for attention.

I’m told though, by all of you, that Enchanted is really good. So how about a sequel? Our friends over at Moviehole say that may be on tap over at the studio where everyone is forced to wear mouse ears. Sure it made a big chunk of money in theaters, but they say it’s the films big time DVD sales which are pushing Disney towards making another one.

We don’t know who will be back or how they’ll make the story work. Only that there’s money to be made, and Disney thinks an Enchanted 2 is the best way to reach out and grab it out of your wallet. Hide your Jeffersons!

Josh Tyler