Hitchhiker's Site Goes Live!

The most important movie of the year hits theaters in precisely 42 days. If I hadn’t wasted my time seeing Ring 2 this evening, I could have brought that tidbit to all of you about five hours earlier. At least I got it in before we hit day 41.

In celebration of the impending release of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, their official site has at last gone live with real, honest to god content and a polite message from everyone’s friendly Vogan Constructor fleet informing us of impending doom. It’s also got a very depressed Marvin floating around in the corner to serve as your guide (Scratch his belly!) and and an improbability button which causes… well… improbable things. The site is packed with info, weirdness, and HHG based fun. I’m really just starting to explore it, so rather than hearing what I have to say about it, click here to head over and check it out.

Additionally, Touchstone emailed me a fantastic new picture from the film today. Well, I think it’s from the film. They call it a new image from the film, but it looks way too damn pretty to be anything other than really cool production art. Whatever it is, it’s gorgeous and it’s got Marvin in it. That makes it a winner in my book. Ooh and aah over it below.