Lex Luthor Revealed

It kinda saddens me that there is so much misplaced ill-will being thrown out towards the new Superman Returns movie. If it's not someone bitching that Brandon Routh "looks too young" despite being only 2 years younger than Reeve at the time of Superman II, it's the disgruntled X-Men fans who are determined just to hate it because of some melodramatic sense of betrayal over X-Men 3.

The truth is Superman Returns is shaping up nicely, far better than anyone could possibly have hoped given the project's troubled past and far better I'd wager than if we had Nic "Nervous Tic" Cage in the role with Tim "Lost my edge" Burton in the hotseat.

So just to further ire the non-believers out there, Superman Homepage has scored some rather neat spy-shots of Kevin Spacey doing a rather eerie Gene Hackman impersonation in his bald-headed role of Lex Luthor. Carry on with the hate because that's just what Hollywood needs in the wake of The Island - another GOOD big movie that will flop while the crap makes money. Good work.

Superman Returns 30 June 2006.