Official Dick

It's the moment you've all been waiting for… the Fun with Dick and Jane official site, much like the movie, has been redone, revamped, and is now up. Apparently they're pretty confident the thing's actually done this time.

On the official site you'll find what looks to me like a brand new trailer for the movie, and the usual assortment of goofy useless stuff you find on movie official sites. Oh and desktop wallpapers too, though I'm not sure why you'd want to stare at Jim Carrey's face every day, day in and day out. Or Tea Leone for that matter… unless of course your name is David Duchovny.

To visit the new Fun with Dick and Jane official site and see things like "Dick Icons", click here.

Or avoid it entirely and instead visit our Fun with Dick and Jane preview page for more info and stills from the film.