Peter Pan Deserves Prison

Just when you thought “Peter Pan” had undergone all the twisting and turning a story can stand, here comes another new take on J.M. Barrie’s classic tale. New Line Cinema has acquired the rights to a script by Ben Magrid that turns Peter Pan into a horror movie and casts Peter as the villain, according to Variety.

The movie flips J.M. Barrie’s classic children’s tale upside down and inside out, and sounds like it’s on the fast-track to ruining it in the process. Magrid’s pitch has Peter Pan as a villain tracked by a police captain named Hook. It’s not going to be a straight detective story though, supernatural elements are involved. Let’s hope Peter’s crime doesn’t involve “Jesus Juice”. In other words, I have a casting suggestion: Michael Jackson as Peter Pan.

This spectacularly bad idea is brought to you by the producers of The Number 23 (an upcoming movie starring Jim Carrey) and the letter “S”. “S” as in this idea really Sucks.